
Verdens 2 førende whiskyskribenter har begge givet point på en skala fra 0-100. Desværre ikke den samme skala. Nedenstående tabel er en sammenligning af deres skalaer.

Jim MurrayPointMichael Jackson
Nothing short of absolutely diabolical0-49,5(ikke kommenteret)
50-50,5Savner balance og/eller karakter. Var måske ikke tiltænkt aftapning som single malt.
Nasty and well worth avoiding51-59,5
60-64,5Behagelig, men ikke exceptionel malt
Very unimpressive indeed65-69,5
Usually drinkable but don't expect the earth to move70-74,5Værd at prøve
Average and usually pleasant though sometimes flawed75-79,5Absolut værd at prøve
Good whisky worth trying80-84,5Markant og exceptionelt
Very good to excellent whiskies definately worth buying85-89,5
Brilliant90-93,5De helt store single malts
Superstar whiskies that give us all a reason to live94-97,5
Better than anything I've ever tasted98-100

MurrayJacksonDestilleri navnFlaske navnAlderAlk.Aftapper
85,079,0AuchentoshanAuchentostan selectukendt40,0
79,0BunnahabhainBunnahabhain 1968, The Family Silverukendt40,0
79,0Caol IlaCaol Ila 1988 Connoisseurs Choiceukendt40,0Gordon & MacPhail
79,0Highland ParkHighland Park limited edition: The Ambassador Cask 21058,8
79,0GlenkinchieGlenkinchie 1986 Distillers editioncirka 1043,0
79,0Port EllenCadenheads Port Ellen 111164,1Cadenhead's
85,079,0PulteneyOld Pulteney 121240,0
79,077,0GlenfiddichGlenfiddich 121240,0
79,079,0ObanOban 141443,0
79,0DalwhinnieDalwhinnie 1980 Distillers editioncirka 1543,0
86,579,0Glen GariochGlen Garioch 151543,0
83,079,0GlendronachGlendronach 151540,0
79,087,0BowmoreBowmore 15 Mariner1543,0
79,089,0LaphroaigLaphroaig 151543,0
79,0BowmoreBowmore 181843,0
79,0Port EllenCadenheads Port Ellen 181862,2Cadenhead's
79,0Highland ParkHighland Park 252548,0